

Political communications

With the speed of change, it is no longer enough to develop thought leadership on policy issues. With decreasing attention and meaningfulness in the political arena, holistic communications are key for engaging the heads, hearts, and of our audiences. We believe in the power of leading through regenerative narratives to change the rules of the game.

Brand storytelling


We can’t solve our problems with the same thinking that created them in the first place, Einstein famously said. Yet, many in the Public Affairs and Public Relations world use the same simplistic approaches and strategies as the most unsustainable industries. With coherence, care, and creativity being painfully scarce, the time has come to lead through wise communication leadership.

At Perspectivist, we believe in the power of regenerative narratives, transformative conversations, and new types of policy alliances. This requires getting a clear understanding of your own role in a sustainable and regenerative future. With this insight, you will be able to develop meaningful stakeholder synergies and creative communications around your mission.

In consideration of agenda-setting dynamics, it is about creating a multi-stakeholder “attention ecology” at the nexuses of different, yet interconnected policy issues. Those able to meaningfully integrate the complexity of policy issues today are most likely to anchor the success of their organization at a time of disruptive change.

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What you get

A customised policy narrative that contextualises your activities within current agendas in and across priority policy areas. The narrative will be expressed in the form of a narrative compass that will specify the policy context, describe the main policy challenges, raise powerful questions, and sketch out potential transformation pathways in the policy and stakeholder ecosystem.

A policy transformation story that clarifies your role in creating a sustainable / regenerative future through your transformation pathways. The story will reflects the unique essence of your organisation as part of the greater narrative we have sketched out. This will make sure that your purpose is aligned to a greater mission that enables synergies with your stakeholder ecosystem.

How we'll work

Step 1


An analysis of your storyline today: description of your current narrative; identification of main policy arguments; honest feedback on the level of coherence, care, and creativity, as well as areas of potential.


Team workshop or 1-1. coaching: we will co-creatively explore the essence of what you bring to your policy environment by clarifying the history of your organization, your vision, as well as your role in your stakeholder ecosystem. 

Step 2
Step 3


Imagination workshop: we will re-envision your role as part of a more thriving future. What do the trends we see developing ask of you today in your policy environment? And how does this inform your strategy and policy communications?


We will provide you with your policy narrative compass that provides orientation on for your use of framing, language, and messaging. You will also receive your new policy transformation story that goes beyond traditional description of change theories by clarifying your unique role in your policy ecosystem.

Step 4

How we work


An analysis of your storyline today: description of your current narrative; identification of main policy arguments; honest feedback on the level of coherence, care, and creativity, as well as areas of potential.


Essence team workshop or 1-1. coaching: we will co-creatively explore the essence of what you bring to your policy environment by clarifying the history of your organization, your vision, as well as your role in your stakeholder ecosystem. 
Usually this meeting takes no longer than 20-30 minutes.


Imagination workshop: we will re-envision your role as part of a more thriving future. What do the trends we see developing ask of you today in your policy environment? And how does this inform your strategy and policy communications?


We will provide you with your policy narrative compass that provides orientation on for your use of framing, language, and messaging. You will also receive your new policy transformation story that goes beyond traditional description of change theories by clarifying your unique role in your policy ecosystem.

How we work

An analysis of your storyline today: description of your current narrative; identification of main policy arguments; honest feedback on the level of coherence, care, and creativity, as well as areas of potential.

Essence team workshop or 1-1. coaching: we will co-creatively explore the essence of what you bring to your policy environment by clarifying the history of your organization, your vision, as well as your role in your stakeholder ecosystem. 

Imagination workshop: we will re-envision your role as part of a more thriving future. What do the trends we see developing ask of you today in your policy environment? And how does this inform your strategy and policy communications?

We will provide you with your policy narrative compass that provides orientation on for your use of framing, language, and messaging. You will also receive your new policy transformation story that goes beyond traditional description of change theories by clarifying your unique role in your policy ecosystem.

For whom

Professional federations.

Environmental and social non-profits.

Sustainable industry lobbies.

Faith-based advocacy groups.

Others working towards a sustainable and regenerative future.


150€ / h

On demand:

We help you design transformative conversations around your transformation pathways to challenge dominant ways of framing policy issues by embracing a more sustainable and regenerative way.

Frequently asked questions

General questions about our courses
Getting started: FAQ for new learners
Technical queries and troubleshooting
Pricing and payment information
Certifications and course completion