AEIOU Leadership communications
AEIOU leadership was at a critical juncture for its future development. With the increase of leadership programmes, great potential role as voice of global wisdoms, and limited capacity available, the need emerged to re-envision what AEIOU is and could be as a co-creative community. The process led us to identify the brand essence of AEIOU together with an exploration of its dream as strategic guidance.
What we've done
1. Brand essence coaching
2. Formulation of dream / vision for AEIOU
3. Concrete guidance on wording and communications

Creative Process
1. Brand essence exploration: through coaching conversations, we tapped into the unique essence of the brand, including its roots, role, and brand identity
2. Dream storytelling: through an interactive workshop session, we sensed into the potential role AEIOU could play, which resulted in a dream story that is now being used as strategic orientation tool for the further development of the brand and community.
3. Communication consulting: after a more solid understanding of the brand, concrete suggestions were made for potential communication activities, many of which have been integrated consequently, such as the "Vocabulary to Thrive".
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